
Today I thought I'd write a little about results.

I mean, to be fair, results are a big deal when it comes to health and fitness, and a common reason behind why a lot of our members choose train with us.

It’s why we choose to make the time to train, prep our meals, and eat responsibly.

Whether it's a number on the scale, your clothes fitting better, or setting a new personal record on your favourite exercise, these results are what we use to measure your success.

But while it’s important to celebrate these victories, it’s equally important, if not more so, to understand and appreciate what makes these results possible.

Put simply, it’s work.

The daily commitment and consistency. The small actions you take every day, the sacrifices you make, and the simple things you do that move you forward towards your goal.

In the past we’ve used this example with some of our weight loss members, reminding them that although they can’t lose 30 pounds in one day, they can drink more water, get an additional hour of sleep or do more steps than they did yesterday.

You can come to the gym and lift a heavier weight or do more reps than you did last week.

These small actions may seem small and inconsequential, but at Polaris Fitness we truly believe that it's the sum of all these small things you do everyday that ultimately add up and move you to those results.

So if you want results, start focusing on the small things that you can do today to make progress towards your goals💪

And as always, if you're stuck or need a little help or advice, please don't hesitate to reach out and ask for help

About the author 


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