
Are We There Yet?

For those of you who have young kids, I'm sure you've experienced the infamous 'Are We There Yet?' coming from the back seat on those long journeys.

But as frustrating as it can be at times, if we're honest, we understand that children don't have much patience and we can't expect them to just sit there quietly throughout the whole journey.  

However, something I've noticed over the years is that when it comes to health and fitness goals, even as adults most of us don't seem to have any more patience than children, and ironically enough can't help but ask very similar questions...

For example, although the year is young, and the majority of people have only just got back into the swing of exercising regularly and making better food choices, I've already lost count of the number of times someone has asked me..

“How long is it gonna to take to lose X amount of kilos or pounds?”

Now, I get it, and there's certainly nothing wrong with asking that question.

Now what we generally tend to do when asked this question is take their current weight and minus the average rate of weight loss we expect to see each week, and then give them a range depending on how well they stick to their program (Not just their Workouts, but also Nutrition and Lifestyle Habits such us Sleep and Stress Management)

We do this because we wanna set realistic expectations from the start, so everyone is on the same page, ie clear on what the goal is and what’s a realistic amount of time to achieve it. 

However, I was asked this same question from a close friend of mine recently and it got me thinking, what do they intend to do when they achieve their goal? Would they stop training or following healthy nutrition and lifestyle habits?

So I thought it'd be a good thought experiment to ask you the same question.....

What do you plan to do when you achieve your goal?

Will you return to your old habits?

Or will you feel motivated and emboldened to take your newfound health and happiness to even higher levels?

Personally, I feel strongly that the benefits of exercise go way beyond improving the the way you look.

And although I understand that most people probably  start exercising because they want to change the way the look, my hope is that once you start, you'll see and feel all the other benefits and that training will just become a non negotiable part of your life going forward.

Not for 28 days. Or 6 weeks. Or even 12 weeks. But for a lifetime.

About the author 


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